End of term newsletter


Dear Parents,

As we approach the end of term I would like to thank you all for a very successful year at Tozer Studios.As standards continue to rise in the World of Dance and Performing Arts Tozer Studios continues to hold an excellent reputation for quality training in all genres we offer.

Next term will again be packed with more hard work,performances and exam routines.We have vacancies in most dance classes so please pass on your recommendations to friends and families to join the ‘Tozer family’.

Pantomime 2015/16
There is a new production company at the Newark Palace Theatre this panto season & Paul Holman & his Associates are taking on Derby and Chesterfield pantos instead.For Tozer this means we will not be taking part as a school in the panto at Newark.The new production company will be holding ‘open’ auditions for kids in September opening auditions up to all the schools within Nottinghamshire/Lincolnshire.I will not be involved with any of the auditions,casting,organisation or chaperoning as I have done in the past.Instead we will be holding our own ‘Winter showcase’ in December towards the end of term (more details to be confirmed).

Discontinuation of lessons
From next term any student wishing to discontinue any lessons must give the school a half terms notice in writing otherwise fees will still be charged for the whole term.This is usual practice in most establishments and something I have refrained from doing in the past, but I now have to enforce. Thank you for your co-operation with this.
Fees are due at the start of term, please pay on time to save us chasing & unnecessary embarrassment.

Term Dates 2015/16:
Autumn Term:

Term begins Saturday September 5th 2015
Half term Friday 23rd October (after classes)-Monday 2nd November 2015
Last day of term Saturday 12th December 2015 (after classes)

Spring Term:

Term begins Monday 4th January 2016
Half term Friday 12th February 2016 (after classes)-Monday 22nd February 2016
Last day of term Thursday 24th March 2016

Summer Term:

Term begins Saturday 16th April 2016
Half term Friday 27th May (after classes)- Monday 6th June 2016
Last day of term Saturday 16th July 2016