Postponement of Modern and Tap exams and Leaver’s Showcase update

Postponement of Modern and Tap exams

After being in consultation with the examining board all week, I have now been informed that tomorrow’s exams will be postponed until next Friday (July 9th). Due to some senior students having to self isolate this week and unable to attend the exams it means the exam timetable is too disrupted and not viable to go ahead. This is good news for the students who were unable to attend who can now do their exam after isolating next week.

I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to anyone, but it seems during the pandemic changes and adaptations are inevitable. The exam day timetable remains the same for the 9th.
Please let your school know as soon as possible about the postponement and the new exam day next week.

This may impact on a few younger students who may have their residential next week, so please email in to let me know how we can work around this.

Leaver’s showcase update

With the Covid cases on the rise and many children self isolating,I will make decision next week on how we present the showcase either as a recorded showcase or live audience performances across the 17th/18th weekend. Thank you for your patience and co-operation with this.