Tozer Show Information and Consent Form

It’s Showtime!

Here follows information about the Tozer Show. I know nearly everyone has had a hard copy, but some students were absent at the end of term so won’t have received one, so I wanted to send this to everyone by email as well.

Show Timetable
Next term is dedicated to rehearsing for the Tozer show performances which are on the 30th April and 1st May 2022 at the Palace Theatre in Mansfield. A very important event in the Tozer diary as we missed out on performing it earlier this year due to the pandemic. It also gives all the students an opportunity to perform in a working theatre with the largest audience they have ever experienced before.

The preparation for a show on this scale has been ongoing for a while and again the staff and I will be asking for your patience and co-operation during a very busy, evolving rehearsal schedule.
The timetable for this first half of the term will be advertised on the website and through email during the Christmas break. May I warn you all now that this may alter slightly at short notice as the term moves on, but I will try and keep this to a minimum or give as much notice as possible.
We will try and keep to the current evenings and all day Saturday.

There may be individuals who will be required for extra rehearsals outside of these days.

The show rehearsals rely on a lot of team work and commitment, therefore all students are expected to attend all rehearsals. Please remember that it is impossible for work to be created when pupils are missing, the whole group is affected and problems arise.
If for any reason your child has a legitimate reason for being absent please inform me as soon as possible so we can work around.

Show Costumes
For those who are new to being part of the Tozer Show routine there are a few details which you will need to know.

ALL costumes (both girls and boys) are sourced and ordered by the school and paid for by the parents. There will be costumes needed for every number your child/children are in. A deposit for costumes will be required by everyone and the deadline for this is Saturday 8th January 2022 so we can get organised with ordering the hundreds of items needed. There will be some costumes that can be recycled from past shows if possible and those will be sourced on an individual basis.
Please factor this into your budget as no-one will have a costume until it is paid for and once they are ordered cannot be returned.

All costumes will be available on our ‘Costume collection day’ scheduled for some time in March (to be confirmed nearer the time) when the remaining balance for costumes will be payable. This system creates hours of work for the staff and myself, but is successful for the pupils all having the correct costumes on stage. I will do my best to advertise costume costs as we go along as they will be more expensive this year than before due to rising costs and deliveries.

If you would like your child to reduce the quantity of show numbers they are in due to costs please let me know ASAP.

Costume deposit
1 number in show – £25 payable (applies if one subject is studied and pre-school 3-4 year olds)
2 or more numbers in the show – £50 payable

Details of how to pay are on the consent form – Tozer show consent form 2022

Please also note as always every lesson/rehearsal your child takes part in during the show term will need to be paid as a terms tuition. This is particularly relevant to vocal classes as these are twice a week next term and are normally once a week during a non-show term.
Fees are due at the start of the term please!

February Half Term Rehearsals
When we have a show term we sometimes rehearse through the February half term break in order to keep the consistency and momentum of rehearsals going, but this time we will only add rehearsals for the first Saturday of half term (Saturday 12th February) and have the following week off (14th-20th February) and resume rehearsals on Monday 21st February.

The Easter holidays will be more intense with rehearsals during the day, but avoiding the Easter weekend (full timetable for Easter rehearsals will be advertised in the New Year).

As all half term and Easter rehearsals are extra lessons and not part of the termly fees each rehearsal will be charged at £5 per class/rehearsal, per person which will need to be paid in cash in a named envelope at the beginning of each day. If this system can be followed it would help enormously in order for our rehearsal period to run efficiently allowing more time spent on rehearsing show numbers.

In order for the show to be performed, we will need plenty of dressing room chaperones/helpers for the tech rehearsal and both performances. If you hold a license to chaperone or are willing to get involved with helping please let me know. We have a few on the list already, but we need many more. If we don’t have the required number of chaperones/helpers the show will not happen. These regulations are put in place by Notts County Council and are to protect our children and must be adhered to.

There are two shows and a tech rehearsal to cover so please help!

I also need help with costumes and props if anyone can offer time, skill and help please let me know as soon as possible.

Show tickets are available to purchase from the box office at the Palace Theatre Mansfield, please visit their website to purchase or call the Box office.

Prize giving
We would like to hold our prize-giving event next term before the show, but at the moment with the ongoing Covid situation we will hold off securing a date until we are sure of the restrictions moving forward into the New Year.

Thank you all so much in anticipation for your support and help and here’s to another successful term and a well awaited fantastic show!

Miss Haynes