Latest News and Update 11 November

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope you are all well.

Thank you to everyone for attending classes and making the last two weeks so enjoyable after our half term break. A warm welcome to our new students who have settled in really well this half term. Please continue to spread the word about our school as this seems to be the best form of attracting new students within our highly competitive industry.


We still have a few outstanding termly fees to be paid.
Please note that it is very important to make sure fees are paid on time as this allows our staff to be paid and ever increasing bills to be met.
Thank you for your support with this.


Modern and Tap Exam Coaching
We are now half way through exam coaching and thank you to all those who have attended. We are not quite on track at this stage and therefore extra rehearsals are now required to make sure the students can be at the required standard going into the exam.

The extra practice is as follows and IN ADDITION to the Thursday evening sessions:


Studio 1
10.00am Primary Modern
10.45am Primary Tap Group A – (Amber S-R, Anastasia S-R, Isla S & Shiori P)
11.30am Primary Tap Group B – (Lily W, Peter G, Louise B, Nyla G, Maellyse C-J & Betsy N)
12.15pm Grade 1 Tap
1.00pm Grade 2 Modern
1.45pm Finish

We cannot stress the importance of doing small chunks of practise at home!
The exams become harder each year to achieve good grades so the practise away from the studio (little and often) will ensure a positive exam experience.
The exam requirements are extensive and require a lot of discipline and commitment which will definitely improve progress in their ability to move on to the next grade.


Shout Out’s
Mrs Hancock would like a shout out to Hetty Dunsworth for her positive work ethic in Junior Jazz and Autumn Leeson-Smith for excellence in her technical work in all her classes.
Ava Brooksby for her beautiful interpretation of her lyrical dance in Senior Jazz and lastly all the girls in our Tozer Street Crew who represented the school at the 10th anniversary of ‘Unite the Scene’ at the Royal Concert Hall in Nottingham last Saturday night.
We have had a lot of great feedback from the audience who thought our piece was a stand out performance – Well done team and thanks to our chaperones Katy Simpson and Alicia Watkinson for giving up their time to support the girls!
A huge thanks to Gaz and Ellie for making this opportunity available to our students by selecting our Crew to perform and gain so much experience.


Tozer Hoodies/Joggers/T-Shirts
Please order asap in time for Christmas delivery.
Order forms are available from the studio or email your requests into the school.


Have a good weekend!