Latest News and Update 26 November

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all well.

Thank you to everyone for another great week at the studios.

We are looking forward to our Vocal showcase on Sunday at the Hopbarn.
Students are required at 2pm promptly for a rehearsal in smart black clothes.
Please provide water and a snack for the students.
The showcase begins at 4pm.
Please make sure you have your tickets for entry upon arrival.
Mince pies and drinks will be available, with all proceeds being donated to our chosen charity.

Modern and Tap exams are next Tuesday and Wednesday.
Our shout out this week is for all our exam students who have completed their exam coaching and we wish them all a successful exam experience next week.
Well done!
We are very proud of you all.
Please check you know the arrival time for the exam and have informed your school of the absence.
On the exam day please drop your child with all their uniform outside studio 1 and collect them from there after their exam has finished.
We are restricted for space in the exam changing room.

After the exams next week we will be involved with our Christmas themed lessons.

Updating our Parent contact details
Please let us know if you have had a change of address or contact details during the last 12 months as we would like to keep  our records updated, especially emergency contact phone numbers.
Please advise in writing if your number/email address or home address has changed.

Newark Panto
We wish Olivia Hibberts,Grace Killingworth and Olive Dunsworth all the best as they begin their rehearsals for the Newark panto this weekend.

Have a great weekend.