Latest News and Update the 22nd September

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all well.

Another great week at the studios with everyone working well so thank you!

Please would all parents discuss with your children and teenagers about the subject of taking selfies/photographs in the changing rooms at Tozer.
Children are being provided with iphones/android devices at an earlier age nowadays and we must protect & educate our young students regularly about sharing photos/videos on social media &/or onto school peer groups.

I would appreciate it if you would pass on to students that the use of their phone is only permitted to call parents or to record work specifically advised by staff within the class/studio space

They are not to be used for any social activities before,during or after classes.
What’s app groups are purely for passing on work which is appropriate for home practise or to catch up on missed classes which are monitored by staff and permission given.

Some photos have captured students in the background in the changing rooms who are not aware and therefore have not given any consent for the photos.
I will be discussing this with students, but would also appreciate your help in providing a united front in order to protect all our pupils moving forward.
I will monitor this and hopefully we can continue to provide a safe place for our students to be part of.

Thank you in advance for your valued support with this matter.

Shout Outs

  • This week Mrs Hancock would like a shout out for Emelia Turner who has recently joined our Junior Jazz class and made a fantastic start, showing great enthusiasm and concentration-well done!
  • We would like to give another shout out to our Junior Vocal class who have started the term with lot of energy & confidence and we are looking forward to selecting show repertoire for them-well done!

Modern & Tap exam coaching
Attendance has been good and the students are generally on track to do well in their exam, please continue to encourage home practise for 10 minutes a day as this is essential for their exam development and beyond.

Ballet Exams
We will be sending out Ballet exam consent forms this week to those students who will be selected for exams in late November.
Please look out for them and return with fees by the date advised on the form- thank you.

If you know of anyone who would like to come and join our Tozer family please pass on our details and urge them to get in touch via email or direct them to our website.

We have some availability in our classes for new students.
We find word of mouth is always helpful in recruiting new students.

Have a good weekend!