Latest News and Update the 17th May

Dear Parents,

I hope you’re all well and have recovered from the show weekend!

I am delighted to say how much of a huge success the show weekend was, all the hours of preparation really paid off!

My sincere thanks go to everyone who made the show so memorable and to everyone who sent me post show messages of congratulations and appreciation for two wonderful performances.

There were so many messages and cards it has not been possible for me to answer them all individually, but thank you for all your kind words, it meant so much to all of us at Tozer.

All the students have returned this week with renewed enthusiasm and lots of chat of the show and their favourite bits of being involved.

Memories made forever!

If you would like copies of any of the photos from the show, get in touch!

Parkinson’s Charity

Chris Stanley who was collecting on behalf of the charity at the show wants to pass on her immense gratitude to everyone who donated.
We managed to raise a super total of £319.57!
Amazing, thank you!!


If you haven’t ordered your DVD or USB of the show please grab an order form from the studio and email it over or return it to a member of staff for processing, it’s not too late!

Payment to Show Account please.

Dates for the diary:

  • Half term after classes on Friday 24th May.
    2 Saturdays off (25th May & 1st June)
  • Resume classes on Monday 3rd June.
  • FiskoFest Saturday afternoon 6th July from 1pm.
  • Leaver’s showcase Saturday afternoon 13th July (times TBC) – normal classes in the morning.
  • Term ends after showcase no 2.


As mentioned before, we have been invited to perform and entertain at the FiskoFest ’24 on Saturday 6th July on the Fiskerton Village Green from 1pm.

We would like to include some show numbers, these are:

  • ‘Tear the roof off’ – Junior/Inter Street class
  • ‘Frozen’ – Street crew
  • ‘The Crumbling of Order’ – Senior Street dance class
  • ‘Funky Monkey’ – Trio
  • ‘Newsies’
  • ‘Wild, Wild, Party’
  • ‘HMS Tozer’


This will be a lovely afternoon and a chance to show off the talent of our Tozer students!

Classes will be suspended that day at 12pm in order to prepare for the event.


Driving and parking at the studios

Unfortunately we had a minor incident last Saturday involving a car and a older student whilst crossing to the car park.

Luckily this was not serious & has not happened before, however we do not want another incident to happen at all.

Please, please be extra vigilant whilst dropping off and collecting children.
Please be especially careful when leaving the car park to exit past the Farmhouse.

No one should park or drop off students in front of the Farmhouse, the car park must be used at all times.

I am constantly warning the students to look out for moving cars,we want to prevent anything happening and we need everyone’s help to work together to do this.

Thank you again for support with this.

Shout outs

Every students who performed in the show deserves a massive shout out this week! Congratulations everyone!

1-2-1 Half term lessons

We are again offering 1-2-1 lessons during half term and the Summer holidays.
Our aim is to continue to improve exam technique, performance, strength and flexibility for those wanting to push on.

Please get in touch if you want to book any extra sessions.
30 & 45 min slots will be available.

Prize giving 2024

Due to such a busy time Prize-giving will now be held in the New term early in September.

Have a great weekend!