Congratulations to all

Congratulations to everyone on a very successful show last weekend. The staff and I were incredibly impressed with how everyone pulled together to produce two amazing performances. The feedback I have received from lots of people has been overwhelmingly complimentary of how high the standard & talent is of the students at Tozer. I hope everyone who performed enjoyed the whole experience and will take lots of memories away with them for a long time. I would like to thank all the students for their hard work, commitment & behaviour throughout the last term and look forward to seeing them all after the Easter break.

A personal thanks to all the chaperones and parent helpers who did a fabulous job with keeping the children occupied and happy. All the work going on backstage and in the dressing rooms was busy yet organised and extremely efficient, the children were calm, happy and all costumes in place. What a team you were!

Gifts and cards
A big thank you to everyone who showered the staff and myself after the show with gifts and cards of appreciation. We received some beautiful gifts and kinds words from parents and pupils which is always very much appreciated after a difficult term of rehearsals and pulling the whole show together.

Any costumes which were hired from the school for the show should be returned as soon as possible, & any lost property left behind at the theatre has been put in the lost property box in the entrance hall to studio 1 for collection.

DVD of the show
Anyone who wants a copy of the show and has not yet filled in an order form can do so when we return. Those that have pre-ordered will receive theirs in the first wave of copies out next term. I have looked at the filming and am very impressed with the outcome. I’m sure it will prove to be a great momento of the show for everyone involved.

Timetable – next term
The timetable for next term will be published shortly and will virtually follow the format of the timetable from before the show (i.e the Autumn Timetable published in September last year). We will do our best to minimise any changes.

Looking forward to seeing you back after Easter – Tozer resumes on Saturday 22nd April.