Important dates and information

Sunday Exam Modern and Tap coaching

Below is the timetable for coaching for those taking modern and tap exams:
2.45 Inter Foundation Modern
3.45 Grade 4 Tap
4.30 Grade 1 Tap
5.15 Grade 2 Tap
6.00 Grade 3 Tap
7.00 Grade 5 Tap
8.00 Grade 6 Modern

Extra Primary Modern lesson – 17 July

Miss Speed would like to do an extra Primary Modern exam lesson on Monday 17th July at the following times:

4 – 430 Ethan, Kitty, Elsie & Emily H
4.30 – 5.00 Hattie, Jack S, Orla & Florence.

Please let us know if you are unable to attend.

Summer Sessions with Gaz and Jasmine

Further to the earlier email, just wanted to confirm the age of the summer sessions (which is Junior 7-11 years and Senior 12 years and up).
We’ve had a great response so far and places are limited so get registering!