Showcase, photos and DVDs

Tozer Show Photos
Thank you to everyone who viewed and purchased photos from the show last Saturday.  Beverley Rayner did capture some special moments of the students which I’m sure will give everyone some lovely memories to treasure. There will be another photo viewing and sales opportunity this Saturday 18 May from 9.30am til 3pm at Tozers, with all proceeds going to the Teenage Cancer Trust.

Tozer Show DVD
The show DVD will be available to collect next weekend for all those who have ordered one. If you would still like to purchase one please send the money (£20) and order details to Mrs Lynn. If you have ordered a non blu-ray version and would like to change that order to blu- ray which is 4 times clearer, just let us know.

Graduation Showcase Saturday 13th July
A few students have mentioned to staff that they will not be available for the showcase.  When we are planning the showcase it is helpful to have the information of who is not available, so can I please ask that anyone who is not available to take part sends notice in an email so we can  continue to organise the performances. The showcase will be performed in two sittings as mentioned before in the evening of July 13th, after a rehearsal period in the afternoon. This includes all vocal students and Grades 3 and up.

The enthusiasm, attendance and commitment to working hard in lessons since the show has been excellent. The students have all been a pleasure to work with and we are looking forward to a wonderful showcase celebration in July before we break for summer.