News and Update

I hope you are all as well as can be in these challenging times and have managed to enjoy some family time during the Easter break.

We are reviewing closely all the news and hoping we can resume to some kind of normality in the very near future.

Virtual Easter Egg Hunt
We have had a good response to the egg hunt, thank you to those who submitted your entry. The magic number for the amount of eggs is 75!
Tilly Wight was the winner who made the correct calculation, well done Tilly!
There will be a reward on the ‘real’ egg table at Tozer on Wednesday ready to collect at some point.

Musical Theatre challenge
Thank you to the small number of students who took part in the Musical Theatre challenge over the break. We hope you enjoyed watching the suggested musicals and YouTube clips on offer.

The winner of the Junior Challenge is Romilly Cozens for her beautiful version of Edelweiss and for originality, the Senior age category winner is Ben Wilson.
Congratulations to both students who can collect their reward from the egg table from Wednesday onwards.
All those who submitted work can also enjoy a treat from the ‘Challenge reward box’ situated next to the eggs on sale at Tozer.
Please only approach the egg table if no-one else is there and wash hands afterwards.

This week’s challenge will be sent out later today so keep a look out – your children may have time to take part this week even if they haven’t done so before.

Private Lessons

In normal circumstances classes would have resumed today after the Easter break. We are saddened that this cannot happen, but since lockdown the staff have been busy with private lessons in dance and vocal and they have proved very successful in continuing the training albeit online.
As we continue on through a further 3 weeks of lockdown we will opening up more slots for private dance lessons to those who wish to continue their dance exam preparation and/or dance technique which can quickly subside due to lack of consistent lessons.
Online Private lessons are open to any student for 30 mins at a discounted cost of £15 per lesson. This could be once or twice a week in Modern, Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Stretching/Limbering technique with either Miss Haynes or Mrs Burnett.
There are specific days on offer and times to suit individuals. We are offering Monday, Wednesday & Friday’s at the moment, other days may become available depending on requirements.
If you would like to take up on any lessons please email in as soon as you can with details of what subject and days you would prefer to access. We hope this will continue specific training for our students with fully qualified, experienced staff. There is a lot of online ‘teaching’ on offer at the moment with unqualified teachers which is to be avoided and not recommended by any of our governing bodies. The safety of our students is paramount and must be carefully monitored.
Any student taking up the opportunity of our private lessons will need to complete & sign a disclaimer document sent through to parents before any lesson begins. This is for safeguarding reasons and a formality whilst online training is offered. Invoices for the lessons will be sent out at the end of the week for Bacs payment on receipt of the invoice.
All lessons will be reviewed as the situation changes and the lockdown regulations alter within the country.

Private Vocal Lessons
These lessons resume today and times have been individually advised to those involved who normally have private vocal slots.
We are currently working on this first half term from today until the week ending May 22nd. We are on Week A and invoices for this half term will be sent out shortly.
(Week A will have 3 lessons before half term and week B will have 2).
Please get in touch if you want to discuss alternative payment options which suit your financial circumstances, we appreciate these can be trying times for some families.

Modern & Tap examinations
Originally our exam date was 14th May, this has now been postponed and hopefully will go ahead in early July.
All those who were up for exam selection for their modern and tap grades will be transferred to the later session, so there will be lots of exciting work to keep us occupied when we return.

A huge thank you to the families who continue to share their love of the arts with us in sending videos, photos and experiences during lockdown.

Please keep them flooding in, they are gratefully welcomed and keep us in touch with the students as we miss them all.

Hope to see you all soon.
Stay safe and well!