Modern and Tap exam coaching and notice of road closure

Thank you to all those involved with the ballet exam coaching over the last month.
Mrs Burnett has been delighted with the dedication of the students who should have a lovely exam experience this Thursday.

Modern and Tap exam coaching

We had a few students not turn up last Thursday for modern and tap exam coaching which was disappointing. This has a knock on effect for all of the students as the exam coaching sessions prepare the candidates for the format and running of the exam as well as the technical practise, so absences effect all the groups and not just for those not attending. In addition, prior notice would be courteous if lessons are to be missed. This has always been our ongoing policy regarding attendance. Thank you

Road Closure

We have been advised that the road closure from Southwell to Upton will affect our classes this Wednesday 16th June. Because of this we will have to cancel all classes until 5.30pm.
This impacts Junior Jazz and the limbering class that follows.
Apologies for any inconvenience, but access will be disrupted until the road is open after 5pm.
All classes from 5.30pm onwards will go ahead as normal.