Festive outfits tomorrow and MT Exam info

I hope you are all well.

Firstly, we are all aware of how incredibly challenging this year has been for everyone, so on behalf of all the staff and myself we would like to express our sincere thanks for the support we have received throughout this year in keeping the school running effectively.
The students have shown commitment and resilience in order to continue their training, keeping their fitness up and enjoy the experience of dancing and singing with their friends. We commend you all!

Tomorrow is our last official day of the term for classes and we welcome the students to dress up with a Christmas theme of their choice. We would love to see as many students as possible filling the studios with colour and happy faces in seasonal outfits their choice.
(Please make sure the children are safe to dance in their outfits).
All the staff have their outfits ready and we look forward to a fulfilled last day of term.

Music Theatre exams

Our exams will take place on Tuesday 26th January 2021 and an examiner has been confirmed by LCM.
I have been in contact with the examiner and he is happy with all the provisions we will have in place for everyone’s safety for the exam day. There will be a few adaptations which I will discuss with the students so everyone is happy before they go in for the examination.

A few weeks ago a separate email was sent to all the parents of the exam students regarding exam preparation next week. If you have not looked at this or need a reminder please get in touch. There will be private lessons for each students starting next Tuesday-Friday.
Ben will also be continuing with FaceTime private lessons next week on Monday and Tuesday as normal.

Spring term resumes on Monday 4th January

As we are all aware there will probably be disruption to classes next term due to Covid, but we will continue as best we can face to face or on Zoom if another lockdown is imposed on us.

From all of us at Tozer Studios we wish all our families a happy festive season and safety to all as we welcome a New Year!

Stay well and be safe.