Latest News and Update the 17th June

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all well.

The glorious weather has certainly helped in producing some fantastic work in the studios this week.
Although it has been warm, all the students have continued to give their best and rehearsals for the showcase are well under way.

Reminder – Chewing gum
The studios are a chewing gum free zone and we therefore stress it is not acceptable with us that it is brought onto site.
A piece of used chewing gum was found stuck on top of one of the seats in the changing room this week.
Please do not allow your children/teenagers to bring it on site!

We pride ourselves on producing outstanding work and reputation at Tozer & this is because we encourage consistent attendance during term time.
Most of our students and parents understand this and choose to send their children to us because of the standards, commitment and discipline our industry requires.
Please help us to keep this a strength of the school by attending classes as regualrly as possible, even with video recordings it is not possible to make up lost learning.
As a duty of care, we do ask that you advise by email any absences so we can update our registers accordingly every day.

Shout Out’s
This week Mrs Burnett would like a shout out to her Grade 4 Ballet class for their diligence & maturity in learning their new step vocabulary, along with Lydia Haigh for her attention to detail and careful approach to her ballet work.
Mrs Hancock would like a shout out to her new starters who have moved up from the Pre-school/Pre-Primary class on a Saturday morning- they have settled in already and showed plenty of enjoyment & concentration during their lessons.
Well done!

Please remember to send in plenty of water with your child during the hot weather.

Dates for Diary:

  • 6th July Music Theatre exams
  • 8th July Parent’s watching week – Saturday morning
  • 15th July normal classes until 1.30pm then Leaver’s Showcase in the afternoon/early evening.
  • Summer break after showcase.

Have a good weekend!